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Market Gauges

Market Gauges provide insight into how a given geographic location is doing based upon various metrics. Each gauge gives the current month's value and places the minimum and maximum seasonal value from the past five years at the beginning and end of the gauge. The current month is depicted by the arrow within the gauge.  The five-year seasonal average is indicated by the coloring in the gauge.  Each gauge can be embedded onto a website where it will update automatically each month, just like Interactive Charts.

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Sample Gauges

Gauges compare the most recent monthly indicators against their 5-year average, 5-year maximum and 5-year minimum for that month.

They provide market knowledge in no time. The Local Market Insight Report and YTD Detailed Reports are obvious go-to tools when answering "How's the Market?", but Market Gauges will provide an even faster way to put the most recent trends in perspective

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Interpreting the Gauge

The illustration to the left explains how to interpret the components of a market gauge, which are available for each of the following metrics:

  • New Listings
  • Active Listings
  • New Pendings
  • Closed Sales
  • Median Sales Price
  • Average Sales Price
  • Average Sale to Original List Price Ratio
  • Median Days on Market
  • Average Days on Market
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Embedding a Market Gauge

Place any gauge(s) on your website or blog in just a few clicks. Like the Interactive Charts, these can be embedded with an auto-update setting, meaning you can set it and forget it - once new stats are published on RBI, your gauges will update accordingly.  Simple steps:

  • Click the "Embed" link above the Market Gauge dashboard
  • Select the metric you'd like to embed
  • Choose "update automatically" or "Keep current date"
  • Copy and paste the HTML code onto the source view of your website